Thursday, June 12, 2008

Collages just keep on coming

Above and below, just born yesterday, four more pieces in the small works series I started a few days ago.

But today, a change of pace is in the air.

For the past 12 days, with the exception of an interview, a class, and a writing project, I've done nothing but PAINT. This is my dream lifestyle, all the time I want in the studio, and yet ...

All work and no play makes Catherine a burned-out painter.

So today my husband and I are off on a little adventure to see some exhibits and dine out on a nice meal, in celebration of my 46th birthday tomorrow!


Rebecca Crowell said...

I can SO relate!! And your new work is really nice--

Catherine Carter said...

Thank you, Rebecca. Now that I think about it, my small pieces here have a lot in common with your current works -- delicate surfaces in joined blocks and quiet colors, that add up to more than the sum of their parts.