Sunday, November 9, 2008

Biographical assemblages

Here are images of artworks by the wonderful students in my "Beyond the Palette: Experimental Acrylic Techniques" class at the Danforth Museum School in Framingham, Massachusetts. This a graduate course for teachers in the public school system. The assignment was to explore the adhesive possibilities of acrylic, in an assemblage that's a tribute to someone the student admires, inspired by the boxes of Joseph Cornell.

This piece is by Colby Caravaggio, as an homage to his great aunt:

This piece is by Ed Hardy, as an homage to Lord Horatio Nelson:

This piece is by Jbar Kenny, as an homage to Casey Jones:

This piece is by Linda Minnick, as an homage to Pablo Picasso:

This piece is by Margaret Primack, as an homage to her mother-in-law:

This piece is by Rosanne Walsh, as an homage to Isadora Duncan:

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