Monday, December 15, 2008

Feeling appreciated

How many times have you seen the words "artist appreciation reception" together in a sentence?

If I told you that a large corporation had hosted such a reception, you probably would think I had started in too early and indulgently on my holiday eggnog. But I have the photos to prove that it actually happened.

Meditech Medical Information Technology, a Massachusetts-based medical software company, has done the unusual for years: filling its five locations with original works created by emerging New England-based artists. This year they expanded into a new building in Fall River, built along the bank of South Wattupa Pond, and they purchased 440 works from 50 artists with personal ties to Southcoast Massachusetts to decorate the walls.

But they didn't stop there! Yesterday they invited all of us artists to a reception at their gorgeous new facility, where we were treated to a catered reception and a chance to walk around and view the artworks in their final destinations.

The paintings were beautifully grouped and displayed over individual desk spaces, in conference rooms, and along the walls of public display areas. All of the curatorial decision-making was done with sensitivity to the wide diversity of individual styles, colors and moods.

The photo above shows one of my works in a conference room (it looked great sharing the walls with a piece by Jason Fiering). You can see how gratifying it felt to see my painting in this setting by the look on my face!

I also had my work in two other areas of the building. In the image below, I had “my own” conference room, with two of my gold/brown paintings on the walls. (This is why I love seeing what talented consultants and curators do with my work. I never would have thought of putting these two works together, but they really play off of each other even though they’re from different series.)

In the image below, two of my black and white paintings share a wall with two awesome paintings by Shawn Gilheeney.

My deepest thanks to Meditech, for buying our art and for treating us like royalty. I have to admit, it feels great!

Also thanks to my husband Kevin, who documented the space and the event with nice photos like these.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Catherine! Your work looks beautiful on their walls.

Catherine Carter said...

Thank you so much, Martha! This company did a TERRIFIC job at hanging many works beautifully. All artists should have the good fortune to work with such great people.