I can't help looking ahead and wondering what I will put in this show. But the topic of cohesion is bothering me -- not only in relation to this particular exhibit, but in the studio in general. I just CAN'T seem to settle on a particular direction! I look at other artists, and they seem to have such a clear vision, and I feel like I'm all over the place.
To try and help myself figure out which way to go, I assembled my absolute favorite paintings from the last year (see below). And they are ALL OVER THE PLACE! Hopefully, the right way to go will appear, but until then, I'm just going to have to keep making what I feel like making on a daily basis, and series theory be damned.

I don't see these as all over the place at all. They are all variations on a theme. But fun to think about just going with the flow and seeing what emerges as your show.
Congratulations and good luck!
Thank you for the, as usual, words of encouragement and enthusiasm, Martha! Glad to find you on Facebook, too!
You're one of those artists who is blessed with multi-faceted oeuvres. And what that means is that there are different directions you mind wants to work in. So take your time and work on the ones you wish to and pursue the others at your convenience.
Really, "it's all good".
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