I spent 6 years working as a secretary in various office situations when I was in my late 20s/early 30s. While I am thankful now, because I realize that these jobs enabled me to pay for my education, at the time I felt unhappy working behind a desk. I've found I'm much happier working behind an easel.
It is interesting when I look back on this past employment and realize that I still have a connection to the office environment, but in a different way: now, my paintings are on the walls!
Below are two of my works, shown on the far left and third from the left, hanging in an office area at Meditech in Fall River, MA.

What a great setting for your work - I love how they look against the yellow walls! The one in the foreground that I can see has a wonderful 'work' feeling to it too - organic and organized, reflecting and supporting the work process without being distracting.
Thank you, Amy! That's one of my favorite paintings -- I was psyched that it sold.
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