I figure, while so much of my work is out of the studio, this is a good time for some spring cleaning in there: breaking down packing boxes, throwing out old paint containers, rearranging, sorting, organizing, strategizing.
This is another unique aspect of being a visual artist, that might not be apparent to the non-artist. Not only are we constantly moving back and forth from our art career to the non-art career that (mostly or partly) supports it, but we’re also constantly shifting gears from creating mode, to promotional mode, to exhibition mode, to career evaluation mode, to pressing the reset button mode, and back to creating mode again.
And not always in such a clear-cut segments! Sometimes these activities overlap and intersect. For example, you’re in the middle of a new painting when you unexpectedly get invited to exhibit. Or you’re in the midst of a major studio rearranging session when you figure out a solution to a career-related issue that will require hours of computer time. Or (everyone's favorite), you get an idea for a new series which involves materials you don't happen to have on hand, and your next paycheck is two weeks away. Etc., etc.
It’s a crazy life, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!!!
Mode mania or chaos....yes, we all have it.
So true! We are truly blessed, eh?
It's never dull, that's for sure! Plus I think you do a better job if you move from one thing to the next. You don't overthink or overwork, and one activity gives you ideas for the rest, since they're all inter-related.
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