Written with perception and imagination by Tom O'Brien, the article included the following words about the works I had on view. (The piece he mentions, "Cyclone," is similar to "Slate," pictured above, 20" square, acrylic on paper.)
Link to the full review here. Thank you, Tom!
" ... the simplest process may have been exemplified by three paintings in the back of the gallery.
One of these acrylic paintings, entitled 'Cyclone,' was the first of three pieces constructed by Professor Catherine Carter.
The background of the three paintings is a woven texture by slowly dragging a brush across the entire surface, while a thick paste of acrylic was squeezed like a crazy straw on top.
The texture of these paintings is particularly visually engaging, and apparently, Carter achieved the “noodle” by squeezing white acrylic paint through a ketchup bottle. It seemed that the more she used this technique, the more she enjoyed it, resulting in three successively more busy paintings, a true process.
Said Carter of her artistic process, 'There are definite decisions being made as I’m working, but they are entirely related to what’s happening on the canvas before me and not on any preconceived intention.'
Acrylic through a ketchup bottle – just another part of the improvisational artistic process.
'I find that planned ideas don’t need to pan out once I’m in the midst of working. So I start with a general color or texture idea, but it is soon directed by the painting itself,' Carter said."
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