Maybe because it's spring, with all that energy and anticipation in the air. But I feel like I've been doing nothing but wait, wait, wait, all winter long and right into the warm weather! I have the possibility of sales to 2 major collections, but I've been waiting to hear about their decisions for many months. And I have a possible sale and a possible reproduction arrangement pending with 2 art consultants, which I've been waiting to hear about for a month.
I know, calm down, calm down. Patience is a virtue. Waiting is part of being an artist. I keep telling myself that. I've tried to distract and redirect my attention and efforts by focusing on making a series of new paintings I'm excited about (latest one, see above). I have even entered 2 juried shows, even though I had vowed to stop doing that (hangs head in embarrassment).
And I'm preparing to send out a series of applications, 1 for an artist-in-residence program, 1 for a publication opportunity, and 3 separate grants, with 2 more possible grants to investigate.
Still, I feel like, come ON! Let's get this show on the road!! Waiting is indeed the hardest part, as Tom says ...
I think that patience is sometimes overrated! ;-)
You have been very busy. Great.
Well, it's a hard thing for me. Impatience seems to be built into my personality!
Thank you for reading, Matthew.
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