Yet as I look back on my younger years, certain negative remarks or experiences actually produced a positive change, providing me with an insight that provoked a productive action in response. (Besides my learning to give a Bronx cheer or flip the bird.)
There was the co-worker who told me she didn’t want to hang around with me any more because I was so negative (which caused me to re-examine and finally cease what was then my constant gossiping, and that made me a far more contented person and sought-after companion). There was the professor who told me I would never get into graduate school (who steeled my resolve, and ultimately I earned an M.F.A. with a 3.88 G.P.A.). There was the boss who was so critical and rude that I decided to leave what was otherwise a wonderful job (which caused me to discover an entirely new and ultimately far more satisfying career in teaching).
Being criticized has even helped me with my self-confidence, if you can believe that. I have always been uncomfortable about my appearance. Even though I love clothes, I’ve often felt shy about standing out, and so I’ve tended to wear muted or dark colors and simple, body-covering styles.
All that changed when I got up the nerve to buy a hot-pink skirt about a year ago. The color just called to me, and I couldn’t resist. I was so excited to wear it! But when I did, one of my co-workers made a negative remark about how the color was too bright.
At first I thought, “She’s right, maybe it’s a little too garish.” And I contemplated taking the skirt to the Goodwill bin.
But over the course of several days, it dawned on me. The person who said this to me had no sense of style. She was NOT someone I want to look like. Why would I want to take her fashion advice? And furthermore, why would I want to assign her any credibility at all?
Since then, I’ve made it my business to find as many bright colors and mix as many prints and patterns as I can. And I’m loving it! Every day is an adventure, as I open my closet door and try to figure out what new and unexpected combinations I can come up with.
Case in point, I found this wonderful blouse (below) at a thrift store yesterday. I tried it on, and I felt like a wild bird. The brilliant colors and snazzy trimmed hem brought a smile to my face. I would never have had the nerve to wear something like this before my shrew co-worker made that ignorant remark. Now, I can’t wait to wear it! Not only because I think it’s beautiful and I want to bring beauty into the world, but also because it’s like an “f--- you” to that co-worker and any other critical, joyless people lurking out there.

I wish every lesson I learned could be like my childhood, the good old days, when my parents would tell me how well I was doing and only if absolutely necessary make gentle corrections to my behavior. But even if the world doesn’t always work like that, it’s instructive to me to realize that there are lessons even in adverse situations.
Wow, good for you! That shirt is a wacky, exuberant eye-opener. I hope you post an image of yourself wearing it. I'm stuck in black mode myself so I can understand how challenging it feels to wear bright color. Maybe you'll help me get up my nerve to actually dare blue or green! Thanks, Catherine!
Nancy, I think it's much more convenient to wear all black, as I did for decades. But somehow it makes me feel more of an individual to wear wild colors. I guess that's my ego talking! It makes me feel good, but to each her own.
Thank you for reading and writing! <3
I appreciate this post and the truth it contains...and enjoy a spot of pink at times myself (though clearly your new shirt is in another level altogether!) Good for you--I admire people who have a strong fashion sense and the guts to show it off. As artists those of us stuck mostly in basic back and neutrals could probably have more confidence in knowing what works, knowing about color, the way the eye moves through, etc.
I think of clothing as expressing oneself, Rebecca, in much the same way as you're doing as a painter. Plus it makes you smile throughout the day when you have fun with clothes. When I went to close my account at Bank of America, I wore a Hello Kitty T-shirt. It gave me something to talk about with the bank officer, besides how much I hated that bank!
Thank you for commenting on my post.
(pun intended)
Thanks, Catherine!
Thank you for reading, Karie! <3
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