Ever since I bought a remnant of Naugahyde (a.k.a. "pleather") at Joann Fabrics about a year ago, I've loved integrating this type of upholstery fabric into my collages. The texture of the surface is perfect for the acrylic lines I draw on with squeeze bottles; the lines "sit" well on the surface without spreading. I've bought Naugahyde in cream and two versions of beige, and yesterday I made the collage above using a scrap of blue-gray.
Love this stuff! But I wouldn't want to wear a coat made out of it, or sit on a couch made out of it.
Catherine, I think your blog is great..it is on my morning stop and read list. I've an award for you...please stop by and pick it up!
Mary Ann
Mary Ann, thank you so much for reading my blog, and what a treat to find that you've given me this award for it. You've absolutely made my day! BTW, I love your charming and powerful "Necessity of Light" muse.
Catherine, I've wondered over the years just what the heck a nauga is anyway!
That stuff sounds like fun! As you know I love texture and am always looking for new "touchy" things.
Naugahyde rocks, Martha, I highly recommend it in collages. One technical caveat, though. I use acrylic gel to adhere it to the canvas or board, and you can't get glue onto the surface of the Naugahyde, or it leaves a mark and a sticky surface. It's a great texture, though, if you can manage to be neat (I have a hard time!).
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